Facelift 08
Facelift 08
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Improvement Focus: Excess upper eyelid skin, cheek decent with jowls, obtuse angle between face and neck with loose skin, prior and poor quality “lifestyle lift” scars, and weak chin.
Technique: Secondary Cervicofacial Rhytidectomy (Face Lift, Neck Lift), SMAS Plication, Platysmaplasty , and Precise Fat Micrografting to the Upper Cheek, and Fat Grafting Mini Chin Augmentation Special note: This patient wishes to retain some anonymity by revealing only the lower half of her face.
Patient Story:
This patient is a nurse from Leander, Texas who can to consult with Plastic Surgeon Dr. Weinfeld in his Austin office to discuss options for facial rejuvenation. She had previously undergone a “Lifestyle Lift” by another physician and was not satisfied. She was left with noticeable scars, especially behind her ears (not pictured), and no correction to her neck. She underwent a Secondary (repeat) Facelift / Necklift. SMAS plication technique was used due to the history of a prior facelift. They platysmaplasty and precise direct fat sculpting in the neck yielded a profound transformation in her neck. Her diminutive (weak) chin was subtly enhanced with a Fat Transfer Mini Chin Augmentation.
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Phone: 512-559-1376
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Phone: 512-559-1376
This facility is only for cosmetic and non-insurance based procedures. If you seek insurance based treatments or reconstructive procedures, please search for Dr. Weinfeld in his other facility.
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