Facial Feminization 06
Facial Feminization 06
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Early followup, 2 months (office before and after photos), from gender affirming facial feminization surgery. Her FFS included: 1) Endoscopic forehead bump/ frontal bossing reduction brow-lift, 2) Rhinoplasty, 3) Liposuction of the neck and submental region, 4) Chin contouring with burr to decrease projection and to make less wide/square, 5) Upper lid blepharoplasty, 6) “Bullhorn” and “Lateral triangle” upper lip lift, 7) Buccal fat pad reduction, and 8) and Fat grafting to the temples, cheeks, and lips. Photos taken by patient: black shirt (1 month), green shirt (3 months).
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Phone: 512-559-1376
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