Facial Rejuvenation 01
Facial Rejuvenation 01
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Early follow-up (2 months) from endoscopic brow lift, upper lid blepharoplasty, lower lid blepharoplasty, and fat grafting. Great combination of procedures for this woman in her early thirties who wants to look more awake and “slow down” the aging process.
The brow lift was what is best described and Turbo Powered Endoscopic Brow Lift. Why turbo powered? First endoscopic brow lifts are performed through small incisions made in the scalp and an endoscope, which is a thin surgical camera, is inserted beneath the skin in order to dissect it down to the brows so that they can be freed and repositioned at a higher location. Most endoscopic brow lifts are done through three such incisions. However the “Turbo Powered” version involves two additional small incisions further off to the side in the scalp part of the temple. When you add these two additional incisions it allows you to dissect further down on the face down to the cheekbones and allows you to reposition and elevate the skin surrounding the lateral portion of the eyelid and Peri orbital region. By doing so you’re able to elevate additional tissues in the temple region and even the upper cheep turning a routine brow lift into what is better described as an upper facelift. This was paired with a very minimal upper lid blepharoplasty to remove any residual excess skin in the upper eyelid to give a really smooth look to the upper eyelids and reduce lateral hooding. It’s important to keep in mind with any upper lid blepharoplasty that there needs to be some residual skin left behind in order to prevent an issue where the eyelids wont close. A transconjunctival lower lid blepharoplasty is where the incision to address the lower eyelids performed on the inside of the lower eyelid. This allows you to liberate and reposition the fat pad in the lower eyelid to drape it over the bone and blend the lid cheek junction. This can help reduce the tear trough and create a smooth transition from the lower eyelid to the upper cheek that mimics the anatomy seen in much younger people. When we look at these photos we must bear in mind that lower eyelid procedures often have a longer recovery time as it relates to swelling. For that reason her lower eyelids do you look somewhat puffy but it is a good demonstration of a reduced tear trough. Fat grafting was performed in the upper cheek to further reduce the tear trough and to further blend the lead cheek junction.
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