Revision Rhinoplasty 05
Revision Rhinoplasty 05
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Technique: Open Revision / Secondary Rhinoplasty
Graft Types: Bilateral Spreader, Columellar Strut, Sub-Domal, Bilateral Alar Rim
Graft Source: Septal Cartilage
Patient Story:
This patient is in her early Thirties. Five years prior she underwent a “nose job” (in her words) by another Austin Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon under sedation anesthesia to remove a dorsal hump (a “bump” on the bridge). She was not satisfied with her result and identified Dr. Weinfeld as a Plastic Surgeon who has an interest and experience in revision rhinoplasty by doing an internet search. She was an informed patient and stated that she was interested in reducing her supratip deformity (the convexity seen toward the end of her nose on the profile view). She also felt her nasal tip was over rotated (too turned up) and wanted that corrected. She underwent a revision rhinoplasty and due to fact she had not had a septoplasty with her first rhinoplasty she was able to benefit from the use of septal cartilage for the grafts needed to repair her nose. Following her surgery she was very satisfied with the creation of a natural appearing supratip region, the de-rotation of her tip, and the refinement of tip shape. She is now considering undergoing an upper lid blepharoplasty by Dr. Weinfeld.
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